Water Operations And Management WOM408 Water quality management

  • Course Code MS-141
  • Duration 5 days
  • Learners16Max

This unit is designed to enable the learner to develop the knowledge and understanding associated with water quality Management. It provides learners with an understanding of:

  • How drinking water and waste water quality standards are measured
  • How the legislative framework associated with the standards impacts on the industry as a whole
  • How compliance with the standards is monitored and enforced.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain the general principles of quality control.
  • Describe how drinking water operations are affected by quality control measures.
  • Explain the importance of quality control to the drinking water sector.
  • Describe how different definitions of quality are applied and assessed within the drinking water sector.
  • Describe the relevant and current drinking water legislation and directives.
  • Describe the responsibilities imposed on water undertakers by the specific sections of current drinking water legislation and directives which relate to quality.
  • Describe how drinking water quality standards are enforced.
  • Describe the main indicators of drinking water quality and the significance of the permitted values.
  • Explain how common drinking water quality infringements can occur.
  • Explain potential threats to raw water quality and quantity and how they can be managed.
  • Explain how current legislation drives management practices in the protection of water resources.

Classroom based activity using PowerPoint, group activities and discussion. End of unit assessment in the form of an exam and written assignment

Pre Course Requirements
