- Refresher training on all of the units involved
- Practice in the use of the specified reference documents
- Mock tests
- Re-assessments of the required units from the list below (30 minutes per unit):
- Unit LA Location and avoidance of underground apparatus
- Unit O1 Signing, lighting and guarding
- Unit O2 Excavation in the road/highway
- Unit O3 Reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials
- Unit O4 Reinstatement of sub-base and road-base in non-bituminous materials
- Unit O5 Reinstatement of cold-lay bituminous materials
- Unit O6 Reinstatement of hot-lay bituminous materials
- Unit O7 Reinstatement of concrete slabs
- Unit O8 Reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete footways
- Unit S1 Monitoring signing, lighting and guarding
- Unit S2 Monitoring excavation in the road/highway
- Unit S3 Monitoring reinstatement and compaction of backfill materials
- Unit S4 Motoring reinstatement of sub-base and road-base in non-bituminous materials
- Unit S5 Monitoring reinstatement of bituminous materials
- Unit S6 Monitoring reinstatement of concrete slabs
- Unit S7 Monitoring reinstatement of modular surfaces and concrete
The refresher training consists of a mix of trainer presentation, table top exercises using the specified reference materials and mock tests followed by the written exams relating to the units they currently hold. Each unit exam takes 30 minutes
Pre Course Requirements
Candidates must be within 5 years of the expiry of their original qualifications and can only be re-assessed in the units originally held.
Who Should Attend?
Those needing to refresh their Streetworks Qualification