Health And Safety Fundamentals of CDM

  • Course Code MS-177
  • Duration 1 day
  • Learners12Max

Introduction Introduction to key Management Principles and H&S Background to CDM & Links to Other H&S Legislation Overview of CDM Documentation CDM Documentation How Planning and Design Link to Health, Safety & Welfare The Health and Safety Executive and Enforcement Action CDM - Procurement and Duty- holder Interaction CDM - Project Risk Management Introduction to CDM Tools Review and Assessment

  • Understand the principles of CDM in relation to accident and ill health trends, including health and safety in design and how this affects work during construction, use, maintenance and eventual demolition.
  • Know how to describe the links between CDM and current UK Health and Safety legislation (including risk assessment and the general principles of prevention).
  • Recognise the links between CDM and accepted project management principles
  • Utilise recommended management tools to put CDM principles into practice.

Classroom and Practical based both centre led and in-house.

Pre Course Requirements
